Handy MultiChannel Proxy

Higher resolution
Handy Browser

Higher resolution
Handy Email

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Handy File

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Handy Messenger

Higher resolution
Handy Proxy URL Dropping Feature

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Handy Web Server With Encrypted Page

Higher resolution
Handy Web Server File Encryption

Higher resolution
Handy Look at HTTP/HTTPS

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All-in-one secure Internet communication solution including :
Handy MultiChannel Proxy - Handy Browser - Handy Email - Handy File - Handy Messenger - Handy Web Server - Handy Look At HTTP/HTTPS
This solution is a package designed for the Windows environment providing a protection solution perfectly adapted to the needs of all persons who access the Internet via a Windows PC or tablet
and who wish to secure their communications and data. This solution also allows to send encrypted e-mail and instant messages without using a third-party service and to create web pages that can be accessed
only by duly authorized people thanks to the included access control and encryption functions.
This solution and its applications provide a comprehensive answer to the issue of securing your data and privacy. Whether you are a private user, an IT professional, an Internet provider,
a manager or someone having to protect information, our software will provide the missing link in your configuration.
The Handy MultiChannel Proxy package also includes 4 applications enabling fully encrypted communications :
Handy Browser - Handy Email - Handy File - Handy Messenger
Thanks to fully encrypted data transfers between 2 interconnected Handy Proxies, you will be able :
- to be certain to avoid your sensitive and confidential data as your login and password to be tracked or your data to be analysed/sold/stored by a third party if you connect to the Internet from a WiFi public access point,
for example
- to avoid your moves to be tracked, when you connect from a place outside your home or office, by the numerous sites that use behaviour data for marketing purposes or by ill-intentioned people
- to access the Internet in a "plain" way only from your home or office, even if you are outside or abroad
Thanks to the messaging server integrated into the Handy Proxy and the Handy Email or Handy Messenger applications provided by this solution, you will be able :
- to communicate with your addressees in a totally secure way, independently from any Internet e-mail provider or chat or e-mail service and even from the Internet itself since your messages and their attachments will be encrypted :
the Internet is used as a simple data carrier
- to easily create your private messaging service for your family, association or company. This service will be available inside your local network and/or via the Internet anywhere in the world (WiFi access,…)
Thanks to the URL request dropping feature included in the Handy MultiChannel Proxy you will surf web sites more quickly while protecting your privacy
Thanks to the web server integrated into the Handy Proxy and the Handy Browser provided by this solution, you will be able :
- to create and host your own web site and decide to make it accessible to some people only
- to encrypt your HTML pages and Javascript or PHP pages to protect them against any editing, printing or source code visualizing
- to automatically get a domain name for your web site like this : http://any_name.handywebserver.hmpr ("public" domain name for other Handy Proxy Users) or http://any_name.hmpr (private domain name)
Thanks to the Handy Look At HTTP/HTTPS program, you will be able :
- to have a look at the contents of HTTP or HTTPS pages
- to see the contents of HTTPS pages unencrypted - which demonstrates the uneffectiveness of the HTTPS data protection and that you need a better protection as the one provided
by the Handy MultiChannel Proxy (Click here for explanation)
- to list all the links which are called when you visit an HTTP or HTTPS web page (including the hidden ones as .CSS or .JS)
- to visit one of these listed links (with GET or POST data) to obtain more details about them and what they do
- to explore handshakings between you and the visited web site including the exchanged data
- to edit the resulting data if you want to
Our Internet security solution will also allow you...
- to easily manage the people authorized or not to access your shared Handy Proxy installed in your home or office
- to share between family members, friends or colleagues your software license up to the maximum number of connections allowed by this license
- to define up to 9 different connections to other Handy Proxies according to a precise target web site, a defined group of web sites, or a determined Internet browser
- to define access priorities or to prevent access to web sites you do not want your family or colleagues to visit
- to avoid consequently certain web sites to reach your browsers or to install malware way before your antivirus detects them
- to easily switch to Off Line mode while you are away from your desk, and this for all browsers and web pages open in your Windows session
Our Internet security solution is also dynamical since...
- each Handy Proxy uses its own and unique encryption method
- the Handy Proxy encryption method automatically changes every 4 hours, in a way which is transparent to the users
- all 24 hours, all running Handy Proxies will have to completely recalculate the way they encrypt their data transfers with the other Handy Proxies
- the HTTPS exchanges can be over-encrypted or not in order to increase your data protection (Click here for explanation)
- for 2 Handy Proxies which are interconnected and exchanging encrypted data, Internet is used only as a data carrier between 2 points defined by their IP addresses.
ALL exchanges between these 2 points are then strongly encrypted, as well outgoing HTTP or HTTPS requests or incoming data and web pages.
- 2 Handy Proxies can exchange data using a private user-defined encryption key
All these functions and encryption methods make unconceivable the possibility to "listen" to your Internet activity or to get your sensitive data "hijacked" (as banking data, login, password,...)
when you connect to the Internet from any unsecure or simply unknown place.
However, a Handy Proxy can be used in all cases, even at home or at the office, with or without a connection to another Handy Proxy, since the useful web site filtering functions and other functions will still be usable.
Moreover, our solution of integrated web site in the Handy Proxy with or without encryption of hosted pages is ideal to allow you to create your HTML, Javascript and PHP web sites protected out of the "classical" Internet and
to gain total control on what is made of them and who is allowed to visit them.
This encryption function of web pages only accessible via a Handy Proxy also allows to protect your intellectual property and/or your investments and/or your data against any person who is not authorized to access them.
You can then create "family" or "private corporate" web sites that can be accessed from everywhere in the world as long as you authorized it.
The Handy Internet Package is 100% clean as you can see here :

Open this page on the GearDownload Web Site
Handy Browser, Handyproxybrowser, Handy Communication Channel, Handy Edit, Handy Email, Handy File, Handy Libraries, Handy Look at HTTP/HTTPS,
Handy Messaging Server, Handy Messenger, Handy MultiChannel Proxy, Handy MultiChannel HTTP/HTTPS Proxy, Handyproxy License Sharing, Handy Proxy, Handy Web Server,
Handy Webserver File Encryption are trademarks of Handyserv